Published: 2020-03-31

Child safety

Celeste Antão, Zélia Caçador Anastácio, Eugénia Anes


Inhibition and working memory: differential markers of arithmetic and solving problems difficulties in Kindergarten

Jessica Mercader Ruiz, Aída Puig Lleixà, Rosa Mª Rodrigo Carrión, Laura Abellán Roselló, Rebeca Siegenthaler Hierro


Tool to assess the maternal bond and the risks of change in the children's development

Livia Rocha Rolim, João Joaquim Freitas do Amaral, Álvaro Jorge Madeiro Leite


Intervention in the framework of specific learning: a research-action

Sandra Teixeira Reis, Ana Luísa Vicente, Zélia Caçador Anastácio, Sofía Nobre, Florencio Vicente Castro


The role of labor resources in the development of Engagement

Mª Inmaculada Vicente de Vera García, Mª Inés Gabari Gambarte, Mª Inés Gabari Gambarte


Bibliometric analysis of subjective well being

Gerardo Riffo Allende, Andrea Donoso Aguirre
