We said in a previous issue that "it is a satisfaction to present a new issue of the" International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Journal of Psychology”. We are healthy, we have overcome the  COVID-19 pandemic, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that we are not aware of colleagues who have left us because of the virus.

Positive Psychology and Health together are a good conjunction. The years 2020 and 2021 have been difficult, complicated, that we can hardly forget and that has cast doubt on many of the certainties we had, although it has helped us to find others. The Pandemic has had a profound impact on all areas of life and has made us face unimaginable situations.

We and our INFAD Journal are always keen on searching the positive side of things. INFAD has always Positive Psychology as its guide, north and support when facing difficulties. Ever! Even in complicated situations such as in the face of this harsh and difficult pandemic reality, we have helped each other with positive responses and we have learned a lot. We strongly believe this virus, which has turned the world we knew upside down, has taught us something positive. From all the positive or negative experiences that we have had to live throughout our lives, we can always draw a positive conclusion.

Published: 2021-12-12

Breastfeeding difficulties scale

Emília Coutinho, Paula Nelas, Cláudia Chaves


Size and sexual configuration of informal play groups in the classroom throughout elementary education.

Irene Jiménez Lagares, Victoria Muñoz Tinoco, Ghislaine Marande, Francisco Juan García Bacete


Aggression anxiety and to failure and school punishment and perfectionist traits

José Daniel Alvarez Teruel, Mª Pilar Aparicio Flores, Carlos Edisson Jimenez Ayala, Nancy Cargua García, José Manuel García-Fernández


Pandemics, quarantines and contagions!

Júlia Maria Guilherme Ribeiro Antunes


Arithmetic conceptual understanding in elementary school

Leire Pérez Pérez, Andrea Núñez López, Valentín Iglesias Sarmiento


Creativity is in the details

Leonor Almeida, Sara Ibérico Nogueira


Perfectionist automatic thoughts and spontaneous use of visual images in Spanish undergraduates.

Mª Pilar Aparicio Flores, María Vicent Juan, Ricardo Sanmartín López


Body motricity as a means of resignifying the sexuality of institutionalized adolescents.

Marcelino Viana da Silva Neto, Andrea Stopiglia Guedes Braide, Zélia Ferreira Caçador Anastácio


Sexual Identity and Relational Psychomotricity: an action-research with adolescents in Brazil.

Marcelino Viana da Silva Neto, Andrea Stopiglia Guedes Braide, Zélia Ferreira Caçador Anastácio


Perfectionist automatic thoughts and vivacity of mental image in Spanish undergraduates.

Mª Pilar Aparicio Flores, Ricardo Sanmartín López, María Vicent Juan


Differences between success and failure in academic self-attributions in Language and Literature.

Mariola Giménez-Miralles, Carolina Gonzálvez, María Pilar Aparicio-Flores


The inmate’s emotional state facing the deprivation of liberty

Marta Megía Ciudad, Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro


Psychoeducational and motivational factors associated with physical activity in young adults.

Miguel Ángel Durán-Vinagre, Susana Sánchez Herrera, Lucía Pérez Vera


Theory of mind in older adults. The role of social and cognitive activity.

Noelia López-Montilla, Carmen Barajas, Adriana Nielsen


Sexual risk behaviors in adolescents in the child welfare system: A systematic review.

Olga Fernández-García, Verónica Estruch-García, Cristina Giménez-García, Jesús Castro-Calvo, Rafael Ballester-Arnal, María Dolores Gil-Llario


Cognitive, behavioral, and psychophysiological anxiety according to causal self-attributions in mathematics during adolescence

Aitana Fernández-Sogorb, Ricardo Sanmartín López, Nancy Cargua García, Carlos Edisson Jiménez Ayala


Methodology of sex education programs for people with intellectual disability: a systematic review

Verónica Estruch-García, Verónica Cervigón-Carrasco, Olga Fernández-García, Marcel Elipe-Miravet, María Dolores Gil-Llario


Support for adolescents with high abilities from the University of Cantabria: Experience of the Amentúrate program (III edition).

Alba Ibáñez García, Verónica M. Guillén Martín, Teresa Gallego Álvarez, Fabiola Baquero Gomide


Size and sexual configuration of informal play groups in the classroom throughout elementary education

Victoria Muñoz Tinoco, Francisco Juan García Bacete, Irene Jiménez Lagares, Ghislaine Marande
