INFAD Journal. No. 2, vol. 3, year 2021

Published: 2022-03-05

Treatment adherence in dementias: how to overcome this challenge?

Fernanda Gouveia Paulino, Ana Carolina Ligero Saito, Pamela Ferreira de Lira


Quality of sleep in patients with fibromyalgia

Francisca Guardado Pires, Lucinda Sofía Almeida Carvalho, Alexandre José Marques Pereira


Aplication of "serious games" in the treatment of dementia: a systematic review

Trinidad Rodríguez Domínguez, Rubén Gómez Banda, Juan Francisco Ortega Morán, Marta Santurino Muñoz, Blas Pagador


Promotion positive emotions in the last stage of life

Alba Vázquez Blanco, Andrea Morán Carrera


Impact of the pandemic, by SARS-COV-2, on access to primary health care

Dora Margarida Ribeiro Machado, Assunção das Dores Lanjeira De Almeida, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Eugénia Maria Jorge Anes


Antidepressants in neurology: a view beyond depression

Elena Inmaculada Benítez Sánchez, J. Inmaculada Sánchez Casado, Mª del Mar Marcos Toledano, Susana Sánchez Herrera


Attitude towards the elderly and associated variables in a group of university students in the field of education

J. González Moreno, A.I. Agusti, J. Guillem, M.A. Parra Rizo, M. Cantero García


The usefulness of bioimpedance in older people

Marina Morela Hernández Patrocinio, Guadalupe Fradejas Legido


Changing childhood. Routines of life of a 10-years-old boy in Alcaria (fundão)

António Faustino, Daniel Ascensão, Daniela Furtado, Helena Fernandes, Inês Costa, Rafael Freire


Flipped in response to diversity. No one behind, no one outside

Brizeida Hernández Sánchez, José Carlos Sánchez García, Greisy González Cedeño


Internal consistency study and exploratory factor analysis of the continuum of mental health scale CCHS-MH scale in farmers in Portugal

Cláudia Balula Chaves, Carlos Sequeira, João Carvalho Duarte, Paula Nelas, Emília de Carvalho Coutinho, Rui Manuel Dionísio


Mental health literacy: a systematic review of the measurement instruments

Cláudia Balula Chaves, Carlos Sequeira, João Carvalho Duarte, Paula Nelas, Amadeu Gonçalves, Eduardo Santos
