Published: 2018-05-06


Florencio Vicente Castro


Satisfaction in nursing: perspective of the nurse versus the perspective of the patient

Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes, Carina Alexandra Salvador Ferreira


Physical conditioning programs to prevent falls in older people.

Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar, Manuel A. Rodríguez Pérez, Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero, Miguel Ángel Araque Martínez


Emotional discomfort associated with sexual orientation in the elderly.

Juan Enrique Nebot-García, Cristina Giménez-García, Estefanía Ruíz-Palomino, Paula Iglesias Campos, Rafael Ballester-Arnal


Current state of the affective-sexual health of people with functional diversity in Spain.

María Honrubia Pérez, Marta Hernández Meroño, Esther Sánchez Raja


Frontotemporal dementia: diagnostic borders.

Mª Cruz Pérez Lancho, Sergio García Bercianos


Attitudes toward sexuality and psychological well-being in older people.

Vicente Morell-Mengual, Roberta Ceccato, Juan Enrique Nebot-García, Isabel Chaves, María Dolores Gil- Llario


The psychology professinals performance in residences for the elderly.

Jaime Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Marta Florencia Abril Herrero, María Elvira Zorzo, María Ángeles García Torres, Estefanía González Arranz, Lorena María Sahagún Flores


The psychological development promotion of children in portuguese daycare context

Maria da Luz Vale-Dias, Ana Mafalda Pinho, Maria de Lourdes Cró, Graciete Franco-Borges


Does the development of ran depend on the age of the beginning of reading learning process?

Roberta Ceccato, Lorena Caballero-Gascón, Olga Fernandez-García, Isabel Chaves, María Dolores Gil- Llario


Social networks and mobile applications: use, abuse and addiction

Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro, Tamara Moreno Martín


Pharmacological consumption and health for older persons.

Ana Morales Montoya, José Manuel Aguilar Parra, David Padilla Góngora, Patricia Rocamora Pérez, Remedios López Liria


Design and experimentation of a mooc course for immigrant carers for older persons: iene7 project.

Ana Morales Montoya, Remedios López Liria, David Padilla Góngora, Patricia Rocamora Pérez, Pilar Díaz López, José Manuel Aguilar Parra


Medical hyperhealthresource in older and health.

José Manuel Aguilar-Parra, Remedios López Liria, David Padilla Góngora, Patricia Rocamora Pérez, Ana Morales Montoya


Training needs for immigrant caregivers of older people in the home in europe: iene7 project.

Patricia Rocamora Pérez, Remedios López Liria, David Padilla Góngora, Ana Morales Montoya, Pilar Díaz López, José Manuel Aguilar Parra


Memory training in healthy elderly: a review of the literature

Eunice Maria Godinho Morando, Juliana Campos Schmitt, Maria Elisa Caputo Ferreira


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Florencio Vicente Castro
