Published: 2019-09-01

Study on the integration in a specific classroom, of a health, of diagnosed student as a challenging challenger and its possible inclusion in ordinary classroom

María Lozano Barrancos, Mª. P López Alacid, D Aparisi Sierra, N Gómis Selva, M Rivera Segarra, A T Rivera Segarra, J A Serrano Oliver


Detection and notification of child abuse: a study of teachers in early childhood and primary education

Antonio Francisco Romero Moreno, Verónica Carrión García, Concha Martínez García, Serafín Jesús Cruces Montes


Quality of life and alcoholism

Sandra Reis, Susana Sánches Herrera, Florencio Vicente Castro


Mother´s perception of the nursing interventions promoting breastfeeding: impact on its prevalene

Emília Coutinho, João Duarte, Paula Nelas, Cláudia Chaves, Odete Amaral, Rui Dionísio


Promiting gender equality: beyond gender stereotypes perpetuation

Vanda Sousa, Marta Marchante, Vítor Alexandre Coelho, Andreia Quintais


Mammography screening test: how users receive information and how they want to be informed

Violeta Luque-Ribelles, Alicia Quílez Cutillas, Petra Rosado Varela, José Manuel Baena


Strategy for student health care: experience at a brazilian university

Henrique Cesar Cardoso do Couto, Aline da Costa Jerônimo


Latent class analysis as a typology identification technique

Daniel Ondé Pérez, Jesús María Alvarado Izquierdo


Emotional process of decision making in university students

Concha Martínez-García, Ana Merchán-Clavellino, Lucía Morales Sánchez, Rocío Gómez-Molinero


Anorexia nervous

Carla Cruz, Paula Nelas, Emília Coutinho, Cláudia Chaves, Ana Andrade


The influence of training on attitude towards people with mental disorder in a sample of university students

Yolanda Medina-Mesa, Serafín Jesús Cruces-Montes, Ana Merchán-Clavellino, Antonio Francisco Romero-Moreno, Rocío Guil-Bozal


Motivation, emotions and positive thinking in the field of health and therapeutic adherence

Mª Ángeles García Mata, Jana Blanco Fernández, Rocío García Pascual, Alfredo Rebaque Gómez, Ana Mª De Caso Fuertes


Satisfaction with life, depressive symptomatology, and solitude in victims of cyberbullying

Jessica Ortega-Barón, Begoña Iranzo, Laura Carrascosa, Alberto Javier Clemente


Violence and maltreatment in portuguese elderly: 2000-2017

Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Celeste da Cruz Meirinho Antão, Zélia Caçador Anastácio


Beginning of sexual activity in 15 year olds: health promotion

Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás


Giftedness in primary education, a study of prevalence in ecuadorian children

Ximena Vélez-Calvo, Yolanda Dávila, Carolina Seade, María del Carmen Cordero, María José Peñaherrera-Vélez


Intervention in social skills of gifted children. A case study

María José Peñaherrera-Vélez, Martha Cobos-Cali, Yolanda Dávila-Pontón, Ximena Vélez-Calvo


Giftedness and adhd: a dual exceptionality unattended

Fernanda Álvarez-Cárdenas, María José Peñaherrera-Vélez, Claudia Arévalo-Proaño, Yolanda Dávila, Ximena Vélez-Calvo


Mindfulness to improve executive and cognitive processes in gifted children

Claudia Arévalo-Proaño, Yolanda Dávila, Fernanda Álvarez-Cárdenas, María José Peñaherrera-Vélez, Ximena Vélez-Calvo


Can training in giftedness affect the attitudes of teachers in primary education?

Carolina Seade Mejía, Glenda Encalada, Ma. José Peñaherrera Vélez, Yolanda Dávila Pontón, Ximena Vélez Calvo


Elderly people at risk: condom use in infidelities

Rafael Ballester-Arnal, Cristina Giménez-García, Jesús Castro-Calvo, Mar Bisquert Bover, María Dolores Gil-Llario


Causal attributions in reading in chilean students of basic education. Analysis based on sex

Nelly Lagos San Martín, Lucía Granados Alós, Aitana Fernández-Sogorb, David Aparisi Sierra


Relationship between drugs consumption and condom use

Marcel Elipe-Miravet, Rafael Ballester-Arnal, Cristina Giménez-García, Verónica Cervigón-Carrasco, María Dolores Gil-Llario


Myths of romantic love and self-esteem in adolescents

M. Bisquert-Bover, C. Giménez-García, B. Gil-Juliá, N. Martínez-Gómez, M. D. Gil-Llario


Validation of an instrument to evaluate the sexual behavior of persons with intelectual disability for parents (ECS-PA)

M. D. Gil-Llario, M. Elipe-Miravet, C. Giménez-García, M. Bisquert-Bover, J. Castro-Calvo


Sexual infection transmission in young people: what is maintaining their risk exposure?

Cristina Giménez-García, Juan Nebot-García, Mar Bisquert-Bover, Marcel Elipe-Miravet, María Dolores Gil-Llario
