We define the essential topic of the journal's number: “LIVING AGE POSITIVELY” with a subtitle: “Ageing as a wealth of the human being.” This is a topic that reveals us to very specific realities. And that reminds us that it is an autumn number, and that we collect several articles about the passing of the years, about the age of fruits, about the memory and longevity.
Since our origins, INFAD Journal has been created and grown as a spokesperson for articles with a Positive Psychology orientation, a task for which we must be imaginative, creative, aware of the possibilities, and know how to analyze the realities of our current world. Flee from fear of the future and change, and face it and rethink it with clear certainties and positive determination. That is the way of being and thinking within INFAD.
Reflection and analysis should help us to have a non-ethnocentric vision of the world around us, to be creative, to be explorers in the environments that surround us, in any of their manifestations; To not only be spectators, but also authors. These reflective approaches about what we want for the future should lead us not to remain on the sidelines, passive or mere critics of what others undertake, but to learn and be effective. Life, the years, are those realities that happen to you without realizing it because you are busy doing other things. We must get involved!

Published: 2023-12-30

Viviendo la edad en positivo

Florencio Vicente Castro


Factors associated with sedentary behaviour in adults during the covid-19 pandemic

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Predictor variables of stereotypes towards older people in higher education students from Cape Verde, Spain and Portugal

Carlos Dosil Díaz, Lia Araújo, Jeannette Moreira, Maria João Amante, Susana Fonseca, César Bugallo Carrera


Conversational notions of health, mental health and weel being

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Transgenerational intervention models applied to family health nursing - narrative review

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Even with/emcovid, children understand: a study with tcm

Ana Paula Couceiro Figueira, Celso Antunes, Célia Prazares Ribeiro


Mesenchymal stem cells (msc) as regenerative medicine in knee osteoarthritis (koa)

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