Published: 2018-05-05


Florencio Vicente Castro


Beliefs on parental practices in families of children with developments in development

Wesley Correa, María de Fátima Minetto, Rafaeli Cappellaro-Kobren, Leandro Kruszielski


Is happiness influenced by relationships between special needed students and ordinary classroom?

Davinia Hernández Etala, María Elena Díaz-Negrín, Carmen Delia Díaz Bolaños


Sexual health of people with physical disabilities: sexual education

Myriam Ponsa Masana, Emilia Sánchez Ruiz, Luis Botella García del Cid


Relationship between inclusive education and quality of live

Pablo Morilla Portela, Mari Carmen Pichardo Martínez


Bilingualism in persons with intllectual disabilities

María José Rabazo Méndez, Mercedes Gómez Acuñas


Proposal for intervention in family members of children with ASD from ACT improve family and school coexistence

Mª Carmen Lozano-Segura, Ana Manzano-León, Carla Casiano Yanicelli, Cristian Aguilera-Ruíz


Profile of the student of the children`s degree of education: course teaching project development disorders

M. Tamara Polo Sánchez, Susana Tallón Rosarles, Miriam Hervás Torres, María Fernández Cabezas, Carolina Fernández Jiménez


Emotional trainning program in middle-school students with low academic performance

Lucía Morales-Sánchez, Paula Ruíz-González, Ana Merchán-Clavellino, Rocío Guil


Relationship between resilience and life satisfaction in a sample of breast cancer women

Antonio Zayas, Rocío Gómez-Molinero, Rocío Guil, Paloma Gil-Olarte, Encarna Jiménez Orozco


Attention to diversity and the inclusive school: the attitudes of pre- service teachers

María J. Hernández - Amorós, María E. Urrea- Solano, Aitana Fernández - Sogorb, María del Pilar Aparicio - Flores


Bibliometric indicators on the tutorial action plan at the university for students with disabilities from 1988-2018

Gonzalo Lorenzo Lledó, Asunción Lledó Carreres, Alejandro Lorenzo Lledó, Graciela Arráez Vera, Marcos Gómez - Puerta


Habits in the use of ICT for developement of new learning scenarios

Alejandro Lorenzo - Lledó, Graciela Arráez Vera, Gonzalo Lorenzo Lledó, Marcos Gómez Puerta


Subjective wellness, cognitive-affective strategies and family

Carmen Delia Díaz Bolaños, José Carlos Rodríguez Trueba, Raquel Irene Rodríguez Rodríguez


University students’ attitudes towards mental ill

Yolanda Medina- Mesa, Concha Martínez - García, Lucia Morales - Sánchez, Paloma Gil-Olarte


Relationship between Parental Stress and the socioeconomic characteristics of parents of children with special needs.

Maria Augusta Romão Veiga - Branco, Maria Isabel Barreiro Ribeiro, Celeste da Cruz Meirinho Antão, Zélia Caçador Anastácio


The affective tutorship and the therapeutic change

Cristina Santana Navarro, Mª Elena Díaz - Negrín, Isabel Luján Henríquez


Application of self-assessment involving Education students enrolled classes on disability.

Carolina Fernández- Jiménez, María Fernández Cabezas, Mirian Hervás Torres, Susana Tallón Rosales, M. Tamara Polo Sánchez


The nurse and the family of the child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Dulce María Pereira García Galvão, Cátia Salomé Simões Marques, Dulce Natália Cunha Teixeira, Mariana Patricia Gonçalves Cunha


Lifestyles in offshore workers from a sub-Saharan Africa platform

Eduardo Miguel Coelho, Odete Amaral, Carlos Pereira, Nélio Veiga, José Costa, Paula Nelas, Cláudia Chaves, Emília Coutinho


The internal consistency of the goldberg questionnaire in farmers

Cláudia Chaves, Paula Nelas, Emília Coutinho, Maria Amaral, Carla Cruz


Determinants of tobacco use during pregnancy and pregnancy surveillance

Emília Coutinho, Carlos Pereira, Paula Nelas, Claudia Chaves, Odete Amaral, Carla Cruz


Parenting styles, marital satisfaction and dyadic adjustment: an exploratory study

Antoniela Yara Marques da Silva Dias, Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber, Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber


Determining variables for a new tutorial culture from the PAT

Asunción Lledó Carreres, Gonzalo Lorenzo Lledó, Marcos Gómez Puerta, Alejandro Lorenzo Lledó


Satisfaction, fulfillment and exhaustion in portuguese nurses

Carla Cruz, Paula Nelas, Emília Coutinho, Cláudia Chaves, Odete Amaral


Descriptive analysis and relationship between physical activity and academic performances in young students from central Spain

Samuel Manzano-Carrasco, Sebastián López-Serrano, Sara Suárez-Manzano, Alberto Ruiz-Ariza


Perfectionist self-presentation during chilhood and its association with school anxiety

María del Pilar Aparicio- Flores, María José Hernández- Amorós, María Encarnación Urrea- Solano, Aitana Fernández- Sogorb


Publication Standards

Florencio Vicente Castro
