This issue is important for the 35th anniversary of the magazine. "ABOUT THE SOCIAL AND THE MENTAL HEALTH", "Science and psychology cultivating mental health" is very significant. It involves the human being as that "OTHER" and gives richness and meaning to the human being. That “Other", the constant object of our concern at INFAD, is the human person. Their mental health,  dignity, life, physical health, yes, but especially that inner world that sometimes needs so much help. All this deserves to show our support, and our research, our scientific work in a clear and generous way. We want that to be our main objective in this issue of this magazine. The objectives that we set ourselves have focused on making known this concern for the Other.

Published: 2023-07-11

A contribution to the conceptualization of teachers's bullying

Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed, Fernando Justicia, Ana Justicia Arraez


Activity analysis as a tool for intervention in occupational therapy intervention tool in occupational therapy

Elisa Bullón Benito, Antonio Javier Álvarez Mar´tinez, María Gracia Carpena Niño, José Ignacio Calvo Arenillas


Predicting anxiety to failure and conflict with attributions in mathematics

Aitana Fernández Sogorb, Carlos Edisson Jiménez Ayala, Nancy Isabel Cargua García, Nuria Antón Ros


Attibutions of successes and failures in mathematics that predict test anxiety

Aitana Fernández Sogorb, Carlos Edisson Jiménez Ayala, Nancy Isabel Cargua García


Positive impact of online academic work in mexican university professors

David Isaac Caamal Ochoa, Pedro Antonio Sánchez Escobedo


Does familiarity with tics influence performance in mathematics and science? The case of Spain

Elena Vernazza, Ramón Álvarez Vaz, Diana del Callejo Canal, Margarita Canal Martínez, Alar Urruticoechea


Perfectionism and internet use

María de Lourdes López López, Nuria Antón Ros, Roberto Ovidio Freire, Aitana Fernández Sogorb


Family, deafblindness and speech therapy in the bilingual approach

Débora Lima de Jesus, Aline Olin Goulart Darde, Ana Paula Santana


Academic resilience in higher education: a case study

Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber, Rosana Angst Pasqualotto


A collective intelligence project based on collaboration and knowledge. The case of rethinking Extremadura

Joaquín A. García Muñoz, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Daniel Martín Pena


The Procusto syndrome

Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Antonio Javier Álvarez Martínez, Noemí Betsabé Abdo Touma, Florencio Vicente Castro


Family expectations about autonomy of children with intellectual disabiliteies and autism spectrum disorder

Thais Carolina Albach Carniel, Maria de Fátima Joaquiim Minetto, André Marques Choinski, Leandro Kruszielski, Vítor Daniel Ferreira Franco


Exploratory study on child maltreatment, emotion regulation, and self-esteem in a sample of adolescents in judicial measures

Carlos García Montoliu, Marina Andreu Casas, Cristina Giménez García, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Rafael Ballester Arnal


Analysis of teaching strategies used in adolescents with barriers to learning and participation

Esmeralda Amainary Morales Rodríguez, Maricela Zúñiga Rodríguez


The phenpmenon of sexting in adolescent men who are in the juvenile justice system: prevalence and motivation

Francisco Ortas Barajas, Carlos García Montoliu, Marina Andreu Casas, Sabine Pranter, Mª Dolores Gil Llario


Inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities in brazil: a systematic review

Kristina Desirée Azevedo Ferreira, Mariana Minetto Caldeira Silva, Iasmin Zanchi Boueri, Rafaela Voi


Sexism in adolescent women: comparative analysis of the general population and judicial measures

Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Francisco Ortas Barajas, Carlos García Montoliu, Verónica Estruch García, Rafael Ballester Arnal


Promotion of mental health of young people in the university entrance examination phase through relatinal psychomotricity

Marcelino Viana da Silva Neto, Andrea Stopiglia Guedes Braide, Zélia Ferreira Caçador Anastácio


Young mental health

Maria Lapa Esteves


Affective-sexual reality in adolescents: gender analysis of early sexual practices

Marina Andreu Casas, Francisco Ortas Barajas, Marta García Barba, Estefanía Ruiz Palomino, Rafael Ballester Arnal


General sexual profile in individuals with problematic cybersex consumption

Marta García Barba, Verónica Estruch García, Estefanía Ruiz Palomino, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Jesús Castro Calvo, Rafael Ballester Arnal


Psychometric properties of the brief empathy test for mexican children

Rubén García Cruz, Andrómeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz, Mauricio Consuelos Barrios, Norma Angélica Ortega Andrade, Luis Ledesma-Amaya


Internet use and social anxiety

Nuria Antón Ros, María de Lourdes López López, Roberto Ovidio Freire, María Araceli Pérez García


Factors that induce of alphabetic knowledge in pre-reading students

Raúl Gutiérrez Fresneda, María Isabel de Vicente Yagüe Yara, Olivia López Martínez


Use of social media and dating apps in early adolescence

Sabine Prantner, Francisco Ortas Barajas, Véronica Cervigón Carrasco, Cristina Giménez García, Rafael Ballester Arnal


Motives, interference, and preoccupation related to cybersex use: a study from gender

Véronica Cervigón Carrasco, Sabine Prantner, Marta García Barba, Estefanía Ruiz Palomino, Jesús Castro Calvo, Cristina Giménez García


Preliminary results of effectiveness of sexuality education program for people with moderate intellectual disabilities

Verónica Estruch García, Francisco Ortas Barajas, Verónica Cervigón Carrasco, Marina Andreu Casas, María Dolores Gil Llario


Videogames and the representation of men and women: an international perspective

Fabrizio Santoniccolo, Tommaso Trombetta, Alessandro Magliano, María Noemí Paradiso, Luca Rollè


Adult attachment and minority stress in lesbian and gay people in Italy

Tommaso Trombetta, Fabrizio Santoniccolo, Caterina Valentina Romaniello, Maria Noemi Paradiso, Luca Rollè


Psychological functioning, personality traits and challenges in distance learning during first waves of covid-19

Andrómeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz, Rubén García Cruz, Mauricio Consuelos Barrios, Claudia Margarita González Fragoso
