Published: 2016-11-29


Florencio Vicente Castro


Functional analysis of behavior in adults with deep intellectual disability: a case study

Cándida I. Delgado, Rodrigo García González-Gordón, José Ignacio Navarro


Forgiveness in autobiographic memory: the rewriting of vital events

Mª Nieves Barahona Esteban, José David Urchaga Litago, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Elena Sánchez Zaballos


The contribution of psychological factors in the occurrence of pregnant delivery

Ana Paula Forte Camarneiro, Joao Manuel Rosado de Miranda Justo


The 3p and dedepro models as research heuristic

Jesús de la Fuente, Lucía Zapata Sevillano, Paul Sander, María Cardelle-Elawar


Personal self-regulation as a variable student (presage)

Lucía Zapata, Jesús de la Fuente, Dave Putwain, Paul Sander


Relations between the personal self-regulation and learning approach, coping strategies, and self-regulation learning, in university students (process)

Lucía Zapata, Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez Vicente, Mª Carmen González Torres, Raquel Artuch


Personal self-regulation, academic achievement, and satisfaction of learning (product)

Jesús de la Fuente, Lucía Zapata Sevillano, Francisco J. Peralta, Mireia López


Systematic review of social competence training programs

María Fernández Cabezas, Mª Dolores Justicia Díaz, Guadalupe Alba Corredor, Ana Justicia Arráez


Use of internet and its relationship with family climate and bullying

Mª del Carmen Pichardo Martínez, María Fernández Cabezas, Mª Trinidad García Berbén, Ana Belén García Berbén


Learning approaches, reading comprehension and self-regulation: the latest found

Ana Belén García Berbén, Fernando Justicia Justicia, Francisco Cano García, Mª Carmen Pichardo Martínez


Emotions experienced by future secondary teachers in science learning

Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés, Mª Antonia Dávila Acedo, María Brígido Mero, Rosa Gómez del Amo, Lucía Mellado Bermejo


Teach learning strategies. current perspective and role of the teacher

Mª José Javaloyes Sáez, Montserrat Marugán de Miguelsanz, José Mª Román Sánchez, Javier Catalina Sancho


Emotions and its causes in the learning of physics and chemistry

Mª Antonia Dávila Acedo, Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés, María Brígido Mero, Emilio Costillo Borrego


Virtual tools in active aging

Cristina Díaz Prieto, Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez


Intercultural study of emotional intelligence and psychoeducational variables through surveymonkey

Milagros Carla Trigoso Rubio, Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz


Influence of personal and family factors on the negative course of ADHD

Carla Colomer, Jéssica Mercader, Mª Jesús Presentanción, Ana Miranda


Stress and coping in families of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder

Mª Inmaculada Fernández Andrés, Gemma Pastor Cerezuela, Paula Botella Pérez


Interprofesional study of psychoeducational variables

Francisca Vidal Martínez, Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz


Bibliometric review of school rejection: status of the question

Carolina Gonzálvez Maciá, Cándido J. Inglés Saura, Nieves Gomis Selva, Nelly Lagos San Martín, María Vicent Juan


Relationship between successful attributions and academic failure in the area of language and school rejection in a sample of chilean students of secondary education

Nelly Lagos San Martín, Mª Isabel Gómez Núñez, Carolina Gonzálvez Maciá, María Vicent Juan, Nieves Gomis Selva


Strategies to prevent and / or minimize school rejection from school and family

Nieves Gomis Selva, Carolina Gonzálvez Maciá, María Vicent Juan, Mª Isabel Gómez Núñez, Nelly Lagos San Martín


Are there differences in school rejection according to school anxiety levels?

Mª Isabel Gómez Núñez, José Manuel García-Fernández, Cándido J. Inglés, Nelly Lagos San Martín, María Lozano Barrancos



Angela Furfari, Valeria Caggiano


An experience of coaching in university students

Mª Isabel Ruiz Fernández, Joan Boada-Grau, Enrique Merino Tejedor, Pilar Ficapal-Cusí


Q.i. of beauty: models, values and entrepreneurial mind set

Valeria Caggiano, Alfonsina Calderón, Silvio Manuel Da Rocha Brito


Factorial structure analysis of the aprender a convivir program observation scale in 3-year old (roac-3)

Ana Justicia-Arráez, Guadalupe Alba Corredor, Miriam Romero López, Ana Belén Quesada Conde


Childhood chronic disease. Emotional implications in the patient and in the family.

Ana Belén Quesada Conde, Mª Dolores Justicia Díaz, Miriam Romero López, Mª Trinidad García Berbén


Attitudes towards the syndrome of down the media

Marina Beltrán, Florencio Vicente, Mª Isabel Ruiz, Jesús López Lucas, Cristina Jenaro


Attitudes towards disability and social networks: some evidence

Raluca Tomşa, Jesús López Lucas, Cristina Jenaro, Noelia Flores, Mª Isabel Ruiz


Educational needs and school inclusion: the weight of attitudes

Cristina Janero, Noelia Flores, Marina Beltrán, Raluca Tomşa, Mª Isabel Ruiz


Attitudes, barriers and opportunities for the employment of persons with intellectual disability

Noelia Flores, Cristina Janero, Raluca Tomşa, Jesús López Lucas, Marina Beltrán


Implicit measurements of attitudes – innovative approach in training of psychologists

Irina Plotka, Dmlty Igoin, Nina Blumenau, Laura Slmane-Vlagante, Marlja Bambuljaka, Jelena Shaplavska, Elena Ozola


Normas de publicación

Florencio Vicente Castro
