Published: 2014-04-07


Florencio Vicente Castro


Teaching primary school and values: differences between Spain and Italy

Martina Di Loreto, Valeria Caggiano, Miguel Ángel Carbonero


Parental perspectives on the contribution of play in child development

Lina Jose Dias Ramos Rodrigues, Dulce María Pereira Garcia Galvao


Oncological processes, flexible communication in the family

Mª José Gordillo Montaño, Elena Guillén Guillén, Mª Dolores Gordillo Gordillo, Mª Isabel Ruíz Fernández


Relationship between parental stress and linguistic skills in children with asd

Irene Puchol Fraile, Mª Inmaculada Fernández Andrés, Gemma Pastor Cerezuela, Pilar Sanz Cervera, Eva Herraiz Llongo


Neuropsychological functions in the skills of home to lectoscription

Yazna Cisternas Rojas, Roberta Ceccato, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Mª Isabel Marí Sanmillán


Validation in the spanish context of shell’s subtest of emergent writing skills

Roberta Ceccato, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Mª Isabel Marí Sanmillán


Influence of appointment speed at the beginning of reading

Mª Isabel Marí Sanmillán, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Roberta Ceccato, Yazna Cisternas Rojas


Personal well-being in the elderly

Inmaculada Menacho Jiménez, Pedro Ramiro Oliver, Esperanza Marchena Consejero


The impact of university intergenerational activities in the quality of life of young and old people

Carmen Palmero Cámara, Ángel Gañán Adánez, Isabel Luis Rico, Tamara de la Torre Cruz, Vanesa Baños Martínez, Camino Escolar Llamazares, Miguel Corbí Santamaría, Alfredo Jiménez Eguizabal


Teaching strategies for the written composition of the argumentative text

Mª José Bernardo Prata, Sara Sofia de Jesús Ferreira, Mª Isabel Ferraz Festas, Mª Elena Damiao Da Silva, Marisa Daniela Da Costa


Emotional hyperervililance in women witness: psychosocial factors

Luz María Fernández Mateos, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Sarai Mata Gil, María Cruz Pérez Lancho, Sonia González Díez


New ways to approach the diagnosis process of asds based on dsm-5

Mª del Sol Fortea Sevilla, Mª Olga Escandell Bermúdez, José Juan Castro Sánchez


Excellent role of parenting styles in the evolution of the symptoms of ADHD

Estefanía Santurde del Arco, José Antonio del Barrio del Campo


Parenting behaviors antecedents: the role of the parental conflicts

David Cantón Cortés, José Cantón Duarte, Mª Aurelia Ramírez Castillo


Moderator role of sex in rearing practices

David Cantón Cortés, Mª Aurelia Ramírez Castillo, José Cantón Duarte


Family intervention in situation of social risk

Elena Guillén Guillén, Mª José Gordillo Montaño, Mª Isabel Ruíz Fernández, Mª Dolores Gordillo Gordillo


Prevention of school stress

Valentin Martínez-Otero Pérez


Parental style, adolescent children and hepatic transplantation

Beatriz Elizabeth Bagatin Bermúdez, Mª de Fátima Minetto, Mariane Bagatin Bermúdez


Assessing the ability to perceive basic and complex emotions in deaf people with the pervale-s

Cristina Larrán Escandón, Rocío Guil Bozal, Noemí Serrano Díaz, Paloma Gil-Olarte Márquez


Personality profiles in victims of school harassment

Mª Isabel Polo del Río, Benito León del Barco, Fernando Fajardo Bullón, Elena Felipe Castaño, Virginia Palacios García


The efficient personality in the university and the use of good humor

Juan Carlos Bustamante, Carlos Salavera, José Luis Antoñanzas, Javier Chueca, José Carrón, Soledad Larrosa, Carmen Bericat


Cognitive intervention proposal in older people: cognitive stimulation and emotional intelligence program for older people

Mª del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, Mª del Mar Molero Jurado, Mª Jesús Osorio Cámara, Isabel Mercader Rubio


The digital divide among people with a visual disability

María Olga Escandell Bermúdez, María del Sol Fortea Sevilla, José Juan Castro Sánchez


Internet, cibersex and alcohol consumption: preliminary study in adolescents

Jesús Castro Calvo, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Maria Dolores Gil Llario, Vicente Morell Mengual, Pedro Salmerón Sanchez


Involuntary exhibition: impact on users and non-users of cibersexo

Rafael Ballester Arnal, Jesús Castro Calvo, Maria Dolores Gil Llario, Cristina Giménez García, Roberta Ceccato


Psychometric properties of assessment battery of dyslexia in adults (beda)

Alicia Días, Juan E. Jiménez, Carolina Mejía, Ramón Fabregat


The emotional stroop paradigm in the study of tobacco counterpublicity cognitive processing

Cruz Pérez Lancho, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Sonia González Díaz, Luz María Fernández Mateos, Sarai Mata Gil
