We said in a previous issue that "it is a satisfaction to present a new issue of the" International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Journal of Psychology”. We are healthy, we have overcome the  COVID-19 pandemic, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that we are not aware of colleagues who have left us because of the virus.

Positive Psychology and Health together are a good conjunction. The years 2020 and 2021 have been difficult, complicated, that we can hardly forget and that has cast doubt on many of the certainties we had, although it has helped us to find others. The Pandemic has had a profound impact on all areas of life and has made us face unimaginable situations.

We and our INFAD Journal are always keen on searching the positive side of things. INFAD has always Positive Psychology as its guide, north and support when facing difficulties. Ever! Even in complicated situations such as in the face of this harsh and difficult pandemic reality, we have helped each other with positive responses and we have learned a lot. We strongly believe this virus, which has turned the world we knew upside down, has taught us something positive. From all the positive or negative experiences that we have had to live throughout our lives, we can always draw a positive conclusion.

Published: 2021-12-09

Preliminary analysis of the 2020 BREBAS challenge results in Uruguay

Victor Koleszar, Daiana Clavijo, Emiliano Pereiro, Alar Urruticoechea


Computational thinking, creation process of a video game standardised measurement

Juan José Goyeneche, Emiliano Pereiro, Victor Koleszar, Esther Angeriz, Mónica Pérez, Alar Urruticoechea


The development of bilingual competence in preschool children

Anabela Fernandes Custódio, Inmaculada Sánchez Casado


The importance of parental input and output in bilingual children

Anabela Fernandes Custódio, Inmaculada Sánchez Casado


Excessive alcohol consumption, are there gender differences?

Marcel Elipe Miravet, Verónica Cervigón Carrasco, Olga Fernández García, Verónica Estruch, Rafael Ballester Arnal


Gender identity and sexist attitudes of students from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Míriam Lourdes Morales Santana, María Pilar Etopa Bitata, Gabriel Díaz Jiménez


Design of a socioemotional education program for elementary school teachers.

Maritza Palma Luengo, Nelly Lagos San Martín, Verónica López-López


Promoting active aging in the elderly: contributions of investment in personal life.

Rosa Martins, Nélia Carvalho, Susana Batista, Alexandra Dinis


Tutorial action plan to prevent transphobic bullying in adolescent.

Tara Sánchez Sánchez, María del Pilar Etopa Bitata


Transgender realities in adolescence: bullying at this stage.

Tara Sánchez Sánchez, María del Pilar Etopa Bitata


Internet use to meet romantic and/or sexual partners: preferences according to gender and whether or not having a steady partner.

Verónica Cervigón-Carrasco, Marcel Elipe-Miravet, Jesús Castro-Calvo, Cristina Giménez-García, Rafael Ballester-Arnal


Emotional support for healthcare professionals children: virtual intervention during COVID-19 pandemic

Pedro Horta, Ana Vera Costa, Sandra da Silva Mendes, Sofia Pires, Sara Melo, Joana Calejo Jorge, Sandra Borges, Manuel Araújo, Graça Mendes


Dissemination and evaluation of the autostem project: example of an exhibition in a school context.

Sérgio Costa, Carlos Barreira, Ângela Rodrigues, Nazarete Catré, Graça Bidarra, Piedade Vaz-Rebelo


AutoSTEM for inclusion: adapting a teaching guide for blind and visual impaired children.

Conceição Costa, Rosário Gomes, Luís Barata, Graça Bidarra, Valentim Alferes, Anália Santos, Piedade Vaz-Rebelo


Design and application of the idecol program for the treatment of dyslexia in primary school children.

Julián Palazón López, Pablo Avilés Martínez, Andrea Mondéjar García, María Ángeles Ruiz Román, Marina López López


Socioemotional variables and mindfulness in happiness

Isabel Luján Henríquez, Rosa Delia Martín Rodríguez


Educational pills: how they are valued by undergraduate students at the University of Leon.

María José Fínez Silva, M. Consuelo Morán Astorga, Gema Vallejo Pérez


Global gender identity: profiles of the student body at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Míriam Lourdes Morales Santana, María Pilar Etopa Bitata, Gabriel Díaz Jiménez


Evolution of the interpersonal metaperceptions of boys and girls during primary education. Introduction

Ghislaine Marande Perrin, Francisco J. García Bacete, Victoria Muñoz Tinoco, Irene Jiménez Lagares


The social-emotional response in times of COVID 19 pandemic in the second grade primary school classroom.

Ángela Salueña Tena, José Luis Antoñanzas Laborda, Laura Mateo Hernando


Predictive capacity of attributional style in language on the manifestation of high levels of school anxiety responses

Aitana Fernández-Sogorb, María Vicent Juan, Carlos Edisson Jiménez Ayala, Nancy Cargua García


Adherence to physical activity in people with type 2 diabetes

Carlos Albuquerque, Carla Correia, Sara Oliveira Albuquerque


EVIN, an adaptive, comprehensive application to support home-based visual training for children with low vision.

Carlos Manuel Santos Plaza, Yolanda Matas Martín, Félix Hernández Del Olmo, Elena Gaudioso Vázquez
