Published: 2014-04-07


Florencio Vicente Castro


Psychosocial support to families of people with severe and prolonged mental illness

Mª del Carmen García Pérez, Nadia Berodia Sánchez, Cristina Jenaro Río, Noelia Flores Robaina


Mental health literacy, stigma, shame and self criticism: a study among young adults

Mª da Luz Vale-Dias, Mariana Maia de Carvalho, Maria Joao Martins, Sandra Vieira


Bibliometric analysis on cognitive deterioration and quality of life in Spain

Elsa Redondo Díez, Elena Sánchez Zaballos, José David Urchaga Litago


Factors affecting the quality of life of hypertensive patients

Esperança María Simoes da Silva, Mª Margarida Duarte Ramos Caramona


Evaluation of attentional biases of subjects with high vulnerability to arachnophobia using an emotional Stroop Task

Sonia González Díez, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Mª Cruz Pérez Lancho, Sarai Mata Gil, Luz Mª Fernández Mateos


Epidemiological study of patients with autism and mental health

Martín L. Vargas Aragón, Julia Alonso García


Violence against the elderly: the third part as a psychic regulator

Olga Perazzolo, Siloe Pereira, Marcia María Cappellano dos Santos


ADHISO program for the improvement of executive functions in children of children with ADHD symptoms

Noelia García González, Mª Angélica Calleja González, Benito Arias Martínez


Screening protocol for emotional hypervigilance in post-traumatic stress disorder in victims of gender violence

Sarai Mata Gil, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Luz Mª Fernández Mateos, Sonia González Díez, Mª Cruz Pérez Lancho


Maths for life. Following the steps of Pisa in primary school

J. Eladio Ramos Cáceres, Domingo García Quintero, Guacimara Pérez Cartaya


Emotions in the personal metaphors of future teachers of primary education and secondary education in economics

Lucía Mellado, Juan Luis de la Montaña, Ana Belén Borrachero, Mª Luisa Bermejo García


An aesthetic and art education program in elementary education

Raquel Filipa Santos Mateus, Maria Helena Lopes Damiao da Silva, Mª Isabel Ferraz Festas


University students remembering attachment patterns learned through role playing

Clara González Uriel, Javier García Alba, Esther Rodríguez Quintana


Impact of learning strategies, self-efficacy and gender on academic achievement student´s secondary education

Eduardo Barca Enríquez, Florencio Vicente Castro, Leandro Almeida, Alfonso Barca Lozano


Social practice communities and debate about psychology education

Norma da Luz Ferrarini, Denise de Camargo, Yára Lúcia Mazziotti Bulgacov


Expectations, according to sex, of the Spanish students of the first year of higher education after their first experiences

Ángeles Conde Rodríguez, Sonia Alfonso Gil, Mar García Señorán, Manuel Deaño Deaño, Fernando Tellado González


Academic expectations second or gender two Portuguese students of the first year of higher education

Alexandra R. Costa, Alexandra M. Araújo, Antonio M. Diniz, Leandro S. Almeida


Socio-cultural variables and expectations of first-year higher education students

Sonia Alfonso Gil, Ángeles Conde Rodríguez, Manuel Deaño Deaño, Mar García-Señorán, Fernando Tellado González


The effect of the desire for control in the development of competences

Noemy Martín Sanz, Jesús María de Miguel Calvo, Paloma Gómez Barriada


Analysis of aggressor personality in bullying.

Fernando Fajardo Bullón, Benito León del Barco, Mª Isabel Polo del Río, Elena Felipe Castaño, Virginia Palacios García, Teresa Gómez Carroza


Gender roles and aggressiveness in adolescence

Cristina Giménez García, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Jesús Castro Calvo, Irene Díaz Rodríguez


Knowledge, attitudes to sexual orientation, risk behaviors and sexual abuse in women with intellectual disabilities

Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Irene Díaz Rodríguez, Roberta Ceccato, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Cristina Giménez García


Emotional intelligence and family climate

Paloma Gil-Olarte Márquez, Rocío Guil Bozal, Noemí Serrano Díaz, Cristina Larrán Escandón


Outdoor training as a methodology to enhance emotional intelligence in children in 1st cycle

Mário Alberto Silva Santos, Maria da Gloria Franco, Natalie de Nobrega Santos, Elisabete Porto Silva


Self esteem and functional diversity

Almudena Iniesta Martínez, Alicia Martínez Sanz, Carmen Mañas Viejo


Consistency and inconsistency in the styles of fathers and mothers and psychological adjustment in adolescents

Mª de la Villa Carpio Fernández, Mª Cruz García Linares, Manuel Jesús de la Torre Cruz, Mª Teresa Cerezo Rusillo, Pedro F. Casanova Arias


Preferred custody model according different generations

Beatriz Triana Pérez, Esther Martínez Crespo


Coercive discipline: accounts of brazilian university students

Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber, Tatiana Dobrianskyj Weber


Indicators of the quality of the foster care

Rosa J. Molero Mañes, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Irene Mª Díaz Rodríguez


Inclusive assessment in response to learning disabilities

Mila Naranjo Llanos, Verónica Jiménez Perales


Formulação de perguntas no âmbito de oficinas de construção de autómatos

P. Vaz-Rebelo, C. Barreira, G. Bidarra, E. Silveira, C. Santos, V. Silva, P. Maricato, I. Belo


Self-concept and academic performance in adolescents

Almudena Iniesta Martínez, Carmen Rosa Mañas Viejo


Goal orientations in students of the faculty of education of Alicante

Irene Jover Mira, Leandro Navas Martínez, Francisco Pablo Holgado Tello
