In the presentation of the “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” previous number (in 2021), we indicated that presenting a new number of this Journal was a great satisfaction for us. Doing so indicates life, activity, development, profession, vocation and dedication, progress and, above all, leaving a written record of science, and now, with new technologies, also leaving a testimony “in the cloud” of everything published. "What is not known does not exist" we say in colloquial language and it is real and true. Hence our effort, our enthusiasm and our satisfaction in doing so. With that "satisfaction", when I make the presentation for this first number of the year 2022, I associate that we are already in the number 1 of the thirty-fourth year (XXXIV) since its origins, and I cannot forget the steps taken. 34 are many years and many walks given by the INFAD journal that frames the baggage of its history, focused on satisfactions, in the published copies, which have been many and, within those many, also very many articles included in them. We have grown in significance and in databases that welcome us as points of reference for possible appointments. (DIALNET, LATINDEX, PSICODOC, REDALIYC, DOAJ, ERIHPLUS, ULRICH, ISOC, DICE, SHERPA-ROMEO, MIAR, AURORA, CORE, etc.).

Published: 2022-07-03


Florencio Vicente Castro


Relationship between psycholosocial variables and attitude towards aging

Cristina Pozo Bardera, Kareen Eleeng Madrid Vegas, Raquel Fernández Cezar, Natalia Solano Pinto


Perception of the level of self-efficacy among health professionals of the health emergency management of Castilla y León during the covid-19 pandemic

Rosa Mª Cárdaba García, Noemí García Santa Basilia, Henar Onrubia Baticón, Mª Paz Matellán Hernández, Raúl Soto Cámara, Almudena Morales Sánchez, María Molina Oliva, Ana Mª Reques Marugán, Susana Navalpotro Pascual


Volunteering and generative development in Chilean university students: an exploratory study

Eduardo Sandoval Obando, María Cristina Cabrera Iturra, María Pía Catalán Paineñanco


Attitudes towards monogamy and sexual roles in young people from southeastern Mexico

Sinuhé Estrada-Carmona, Alexander Collí Ruiz, Gabriela Isabel Pérez-Aranda


Construction and validation of the sexual and reprodructive health literacy scale

Paula Nelas, Manuela Ferreira, Marília Rua, Maria José Santos, Sofia Campos


The conspiracy of silence: a barrier to the truth in the elderly patient

Mª del Carmen Vicente Sevillano, Anabe Burrieza Mateos, Lara Toribio Gómez


Cortical dementias. Psychobehavioral and neurobiological characterization

Ana Isabel Moneo Troncoso, María Cruz Pérez Lancho


What do we know about the emotional intelligence of gifted students?

Fabiola Baquero Gomide, Alba Ibáñez García, Teresa Gallego Álvarez, Verónica Marina Guillén Martín


Mobile device use (Mhealth) in adolescent sports practice

José Luis Ubago Jiménez, Pilar Puertas Molero, Gabriel González Valero, Eduardo Melguizo Ibáñez, Marina Valverde Janer, Manuel Ortega Caballero


Strategies for coping with the ageing of workers with intellectual disabilities

Raquel de la Fuente Anuncibay, María Teresa Ortega Camarero, José Luis Cuesta Gómez, Rubén Sáenz del Amo


Quality criteria for teaching in hihgher education for the teaching of English as a foreign language

Slava López Rodríguez, Pilar Ibáñez Cubillas, Claudia De Barros Camargo, José Álvarez Rodríguez


Analysis of academic works in the area of Geriatrics and Gerontology at the Zamora School of Nursing, University of Salamanca

M.J. Fermoso Palmero, S. García Calderón, A. González Sanz, J.C. López García, E. Sutil Rodríguez, C. Villar Bustos


Uncertainty intolerance in eating disorders: a narrative review

Samara Pereira da Silva Camargos, Jeanny Joana Rodrigues Alves de Santana


Some notes on quality management in higher education institutions in Ecuador

Edgar Efraín Obaco Soto, Fernando Lara Lara, Yullio Cano de la Cruz, María Fannery Suarez Berrio


Motivational climate, anxiety, and physical and emotional self-concept in federated and non-federated education students. A structural equation model

Eduardo Melguizo Ibáñez, Marina Valverde Janer, Manuel Ortega Caballero, José Luis Ubago Jiménez, Pilar Puertas Molero, Gabriel González Valero


Quality of education in the degree in childhood education: competence development

Mercedes González Sanmamed, Nuria Rebollo Quintela, Luisa Losada Puente, Eduardo Rafael Rodríguez Machado


Self-care, coping, and emotion regulation in university students

Paula Hidalgo Andrade, Ana J. Cañas Lerma, María Elena Cuartero Castañer


Looking for the good shape in the Poly-Universe material

Inês De Vasconcelos Martins, Graça Bidarra, Piedade Vaz Rebelo


Quality in higher education. Comparison between faculty and students

María del Carmen Olmos Gómez, Mónica Luque Suárez, Laila Mohamed Mohand


Continuous quality improvement in higher education

Mónica Luque Suárez, Laila Mohamed Mohand, María del Carmen Olmos Gómez


Educational television in ibero-america: a communicational response during the pandemic

Mónica Maruri Castillo, Marcela Samudio Granados, Roberto Ponce Cordero


Videogames use and time estimation: Are there differences based on gender?

Verónica Cervigón Carrasco, Carlos García Montoliu, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Cristina Giménez García, Jesús Castro Calvo


Profesup: teaching quality in latin american universities

F. Borja Fernández García Valdecasas, María Arias Corona, Esther González Castellón, Daniel González González


Children’s education right in international mobility situation

Alejandro E. Garrido ´Gómez, Javier O. Paredes Mallea


Leadership and self-efficacy as predictors of academic achievement

Ángel Sánchez Anguita Muñoz, María Fátima Pulido López


Analysis of satisfaction in health and social care professionals.

Ángel Sánchez Anguita Muñoz, María Fátima Pulido López


Alcohol consumption among Spanish adolescents. How do the outcome expectations influence?

Carlos García Montoliu, Verónica Cervigón Carrasco, Verónica Estruch García, Olga Fernández García, Estefanía Ruiz Palomino


Analysis of the teacher’s perception of student's learning consciousness in participatory activities

Carlos Javier Rodríguez Jiménez, José María De Pedro Corrales, María Cruz Sánchez Gómez, Juan Luis Cabanillas García, Ángel Losada Vázquez, María Losada Moncada


Quality management system and guarantee in the education degree. (The case of the UATX in Mexico)

Ana Bertha Luna Miranda, César Sáncez Olavarría, Mariela Sonia Jiménez Vásquez


Teaching innovation in the EHEA: educational pills

María Consuelo Morán Astorga, M. José Fínez Silva, David Urchaga Litago


Challenges of teacher professionalization in higher education

Daniel Álvarez Ferrándiz, Inmaculada Avalos García, Mercedes Cuevas López, Manuel Fernández Cruz
