Published: 2020-06-29

Does affectivity influence on time estimation? an experimental study

Verónica Cervigón Carrasco, Jesús Castro Calvo, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Marta García Barba, María López Fando Galdón


Subjetive satisfaction of grandparents babysitting

Verónica García Díaz, Lucía Álvarez Blanco, Mª Teresa Iglesias García


Are there differences between attitudes towards the behaviour sexuality of people with disabilities and those of the professionals who work with them?

Vicente Morell Mengual, María Dolores Gil Llario, Olga Fernández García, Beatríz Gil Juliá, Yarisa Nicola


The twitches in school communications. Teachers’ and families’ perception

Elena Briones, Marta García Lastra, Eva María Gómez Pérez


Children's engagement and learning in "moving toys" workshops in the 1st cycle of schooling

A. Santos, Piedade Vaz Rebelo, O. Thiel, G. Bidarra, V. Alferes, J. Almeida, C. Barreira, I. Machado, F. Rabaça, M. D Dias, P. Pereira, N. Catré, F. Ferrini, C. Bartolleti, J. Josephson, N. Kostova


Active methologies and project work: educate through the theater

Alejandro Canedo García, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz, Beatriz Martín Sánchez, Yvet Bleye Varona, Ángela Gago Morate


Anxiety, depression and apathy in relation to the fragile situation

Mirian Santamaría Peláez, Jerónimo González Bernal, Raúl Soto Cámara, Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias, Maha Jahouh


Development of assessment criteria for project work, based on direct observation of the methology, in a real case of an infant education classroom

Ángela Gago Morate, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz, Alejandro Canedo García, Beatriz Martín Sánchez, Yvet Bleye Varona


Project work from the game by corners: planning and start-up of a restaurant corner

Beatríz Martín Sánchez, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz, Alejandro Canedo García, Yvet Bleye Varona, Ángela Gago Morate


Intellectual Disability and the use of Information and Communication Technology: Systematic review

Brizeida Hernández Sánchez, Gioconda Vargas Morua, Greisy González Cedeño, José Carlos Sánchez García


Mental illness beliefs of education, health and safety professionals

Carla Cruz, Cláudia Chaves, Emília Coutinho, João Duarte, Paula Nelas


Project work in the educational curriculum: methodological principles that fund it

Beatríz Martín Sánchez, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz, Alejandro Canedo Garcí, Yvet Bleye Varona, Ángela Gago Morate


Guided play: from instructions to creativity when constructing automata

G. Bidarra, Piedade Vaz Rebelo, O. Thiel, V. Alferes, I. Silva, C. Barreira, A. Santos, J. Almeida, I. Machado, A. Conceiçao, C. Bartolleti, F. Ferrini, J. Josephson, N. Kostova


“Matricentric culture” as a possible limit for life planning: how important is the role of parents?

Giuseppina Maria Cardella, Brizeida Hernández Sánchez, José Carlos Sánchez García


Attitudes towards cooperative learning and cultural historical psycology

Laura Haro Pontón, Lenin Reyes Haro, Benito León del Barco


Relationship between neuroscience and teaching-learning processes

Marta García Jiménez, María Fernández Cabezas


Educating towards a smart heart: emotional intelligence in the childhood

Mónica Muriel Fernández, Ana Isabel Isidro de Pedro


Health beliefs related to cervical cancer

Paula Nelas, Emília Coutinho, Cláudia Chaves, João Duarte, Carla Cruz, Rui Dionisio


Can human beings achieve happiness?

Sonia María Rodríguez Huerta


Innovative educational actions for the international day of women and girls in science at infant and primary level

Yolanda Sevilla Vera, Natalia Solano Pinto, Dunia Garrido, Raquel Fernández Cézar


Assessment of the practical application of work by projects in the children’s classroom

Yvet Bleye Varona, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz, Alejandro Canedo García, Beatríz Martín Sánchez, Ángela Gago Morate


A-motivation and its relationship to academic self-efficacy and goal orientation in a sample of high school students in southern Italy

Antonio Citarella, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias, Florencio Vicente Castro


Promotion of literacy for non-violence and active citizenship throughout the life cycle

Cláudia Balula Chaves, Emília de Carvalho Coutinho, Paula Batista Nelas, Rui Manuel Tavares Dionisio, Carla Cruz, Sónia Costa


Protective and risk factors of toddlers' sleep and parental stress

Simona de Stasio, Benedetta Ragni, Francesca Boldrini


The social world of disability. Results of the web pages

Sergio González Ballester, Antonio Citarella, Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias, Ana Amparo Gentil Gutiérrez, Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Florencio Vicente Castro, Jerónimo González Bernal
