Published: 2017-01-30


Florencio Vicente Castro


The metaphors in the difficulties of learning

Mireia Serra Sala, Carme Timoneda Gallart


Is inclusiveness possible in the current educational system?

Salvador Grau Company, José Daniel Álvarez Teruel, Mª Teresa Tortosa Ybáñez


Organizational strategies for an inclusive school

José Daniel Álvarez Teruel, Salvador Grau Company, Mª Teresa Tortosa Ybáñez


Pupil with special educational needs: detection and work for educational optimization

Mª Teresa Tortosa Ybáñez, Carla González Gómez, Ignasi Navarro Soria


Detecting learning difficulties and involvement of families in the intervention

Ignasi Navarro Soria, Carla González Gómez, José Daniel Álvarez Teruel, Francisco Fernández Carrasco, Jorge Heliz Llopis


Optimization strategies for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder adhd

Carla González Gómez, Ignasi Navarro Soria, Salvador Grau Company, Ana Galipienso Rico, Francisco Fernández Carrasco


Personal strengths and virtues of teachers and their relationship with teacher self-efficacy

Teresa Mª Perandones González, Lucía Herrera Torres, Asunción Lledó Carreres


Empowerment as a successful strategy in the initial teacher training

Isabel Mª Gómez Barreto, Asunción Lledó Carreres, Teresa Mª Perandones González, Lucía Herrera Torres


Emotional exhaustion, self-esteem, and satisfaction with studies in university students

Asunción Lledó Carreres, Teresa Mª Perandones González, Lucía Herrera Torres, Gonzalo Lorenzo Lledó


The role of emotional intelligence in job satisfaction of individuals

Luisa Amelia França, Lisete dos Santos Mendes Monico


Assessment of prospective teachers about affective domain in nature field trips as teaching and learning activities

Emilio Costillo Borrego, Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés, Mª Antonia Dávila Acedo, María Brígido Mero


The affective domain in mathematics problem solving: a hierarchy of descriptors

Ana Caballero Carrasco, Janeth Cárdenas Lizarazo, Rosa Gómez del Amo


Proximity and intimacy with homosexuals: what (dis)embarrassment?

Hélder Meireles Cardeira, Lisete dos Santos Mendes Monico


Bullying and its psychological dimensions in adolescents

Luciene R.P. Tognetta, José Mª Avilés Martínez, Pedro Rosário


Bullying and the disclaimer of ethical coexistence: when violence is a value

Luciene R. P. Tognetta, Telma P. Vinha, José Mª Avilés Martínez


The evaluation of affective domain in mathematics

Janeth A. Cárdenas Lizarazo, Ana Caballero Carrasco, Rosa Gómez del Amo


A study on the language attitudes of the students in the principality of andorra

Txema Díaz-Torrent, Ángel Huguet, Adelina Lanos, Judit Janés


A study on the language attitudes of the students in Catalonia

Judit Janés, Adelina Lanos, Carmen Poalelungi, Xosé-Antón González-Riaño


Immigration and school in multilingual contexts. The case of Catalonia and Andorra

Ángel Huguet, Clara Sansó, Txema Días-Torrent, José Luis Navarro


Study of resilient factors in family members of people with disabilities

Jordi Eusebio Ponce Espino, Ana Mª Torrecillas Martín


Homework, academic achievement and parental and teachers’ involvement

Natalia Suárez, José C. Núñez, Guillermo Vallejo, Rebeca Cerezo, Bibiana Regueiro, Pedro Rosário


Homework motivation and involvement throughout elementary school

Bibiana Regueiro, Irene Pan, Antonio Valle, José C. Núñez, Natalia Suárez, Pedro Rosário


Elementary school students and their different homework involvement profiles depending on academic achievement

Bibiana Regueiro, Irene Pan, Benigno Sánchez, Antonio Valle, José C Núñez, Pedro Rosário


The impact of education on entrepreneurship. makign of a group discussion analysis

Carmen Palmero Cámara, Camino Escolar Llamazares, Isabel Luis Rico, Tamara de la Torre Cruz, Ángel Gañán Adánez, Vanesa Baños Martínez, Miguel Corbí Santamaría, Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal


Advances in the validation of a program directed at the reduction of stereotypes and prejudice in the older adults

Carmen Palmero Cámara, Isabel Luis Rico, Tamara de la Torre Cruz, Ángel Gañán Adánez, Vanesa Baños Martínez, Camino Escolar Llamazares, Miguel Corbí Santamaría, Alfredo Jiménez Eguizábal


European year. Active aging and intergenerational solidarity

Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Adoración Holgado Sánchez, Elena Sánchez Zaballos, Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal


Conception of quality of life in older adults. Christian and muslim cultures in Ceuta

Raquel Élez-Villarroel Benítez, Francisco Mateos Claros, Luis Amador Muñoz, Macarena Esteban Ibáñez


Resilience of families with handicapped children

Ana Jorge M., Sandra Eusébio, Fernanda Lopes


The construction of the adolescent identity on the internet

Virgilio García Aparicio, Marta Rodríguez Jiménez


Teaching practice for the promotion of emotional skills in future teachers

Mª Eugenia Polo González, José David Urchaga Litago


Normas de publicación

Florencio Vicente Castro
