Present a new issue of the “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” is a satisfaction. We are healthy, we have overcome the Pandemic, COVID-19, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that any of  our colleagues have left us because of the virus. Positive Psychology and Health are a good conjunction.

From here an invitation to collaborate, to present research, to be and be useful to us.

Badajoz, May 15th 2021

Florencio Vicente Castro
Director - Editor of “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology / INFAD: Revista de Psicología”


Published: 2021-08-03

Study of mental health in university students of the social health Branch

J. Inmaculada Sánchez Casado, Elena I. Benítez Sánchez


Family perception of primary chool students in private centers during covid-19 confinement

Lucía Pérez Vera, Miguel Ángel Durán Vinagre, Ana Paredes Espinosa, Susana Sánchez Herrera


Positive mental health literacy in primary health care nurses

Amadeu Gonçalves, Lídia Cabral, Carla Cruz, Cláudia Chaves, Carlos Sequeira, José Figueiredo Rodrigues


"It's so difficult for someone to put our slippers on": report of mothers of children with ASD

Ana Caroline Bonato da Cruz, Maria de Fátima Joaquim Minetto, Lidia Natalia Dobrianskyj Weber, Lurdes Fabricio de Oliveira, Cassandra Fontoura Fiore Peron


Contribution of the humanitude care methodology to the management of emotions in pandemia

Andréa Temponi dos Santos, Rosa Cândida Carvalho de Melo, Liliana Vanessa Lúcio Henriques, Beatriz Temponi, Amélia Martins, Evaldi Marchi


Virtual innovations for postgraduate education in times of pandemic

Ángel Sánchez Anguita Muñoz, María Fátima Pulido López, Berta Pérez López


Perception of pear acceptance and rejection in elementary school children

Carolina Cedeño Coppiano, Carmen Barajas Esteban, María José Linero Zamorano


The power of self-forgiveness in the COVID-19 pandemic: future research agenda

Celeste León Moreno, Ana Romero Abrio, Belén Martínez Ferrer


Health gains in patients hospitalized in a medium rehabilitation unit

Diogo Almeida, Natália Amoedo, Carminda Morais, Alcina Nunes, Rui Pimenta


Health in crisis

Dora Margarida Ribeiro Machado, Laura Juliana vieitas Amorim Pires Costa, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Assunção das Dores Lanjeira De Almeida, Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes, Ana Cristina Gonçalves Lourenço


Health emotions

Dora Margarida Ribeiro Machado, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Assunção das Dores Lanjeira De Almeida, Laura Juliana vieitas Amorim Pires Costa, Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes


Engineering quality process in public administration: how is perceived?

Teresa Zamora Lobato, Mario Hernández Vargas, Jesica J. Ramos Hernández, Yodaira Borroto Pentón


Statistical analisis of the education system in the state of Veracruz

Teresa Zamora Lobato, Yodaira Borroto Pentón, Gilberto de Jesús Corro Feria


Emotional vaccine at covid-19: self-care program for seniors

Marta Florencia Abril Herrero, María Elvira Zorzo, María Yolanda González Alonso, Estefanía González Arranz, Vanessa Hernández Calvo, Carolina Pastoriza Serradilla, Ana Isabel Rueda Lozano, Ana Belén Sánchez Sánchez, Soledad Tundidor Gago


Oral and written language characteristics in x-gragile syndrome

Esther Moraleda Sepúlveda, Noelia Pulido García, Sara Cañas Pedrosa, Noelia Santos Muriel, Cristina Pérez


Quality of life in families with people with angelman syndrome

Esther Moraleda Sepúlveda, Patricia López Resa, Soraya Delgado Matute, Romina Frontera, Estela Cañadas Camacho


Quality of life assessment in the portuguese population

Marilene Andrade Lopes, Jéssica Andreia Roças Parente, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Maria Fátima Pereira Geraldes, Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes


Psychological well-being of the portuguese population

Stefanin Simone Cruz Lima, Sara Emanuel Afonso Gouveia, Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Maria Fátima Pereira Geraldes


Differences in anxiety as a function of course in university students

Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez, Ana María Morales Rodr´íguez


The privacy and autonomy of an adult with intellectual disability

Geovana Silva Wertonge, Sabrina Fernandes de Castro, Gabriela Brutti Lehnhart


Onychophagia and covid-19: case study of a young adult with ADHD

J. Inmaculada Sánchez Casado, Elena I. Benítez Sánchez


Digital health literacy in portuguese population, in a pandemic context: an empirical study

Abílio Silva, Ana Isabel Martins, Mª Helena Ferreira, Mª Isabel Ferreria, Mariana Vieira, Sara Silva Maia


Activities of daily living in the elderly during confinement

Jesús González Moreno, Francisco Javier Román González, María Cantero García


Itc, tlk, tep in times of crisis

José Vicente López Company


Do teachers who believe in educational inclusion have a favorable attitude towards students with gifted?

María del Carmen Plata Morán, Margarita Gozalo Delgado, Carmen Gómez Labrador, Sabina Barrios Fernández


On line training: the open calculation based on numbers (ABN) method in 10-14 aged students

María del Carmen Canto L´ópez, Malena Manchado Porras, José Carlos Piñero Charlo, Manuel Aguilar Villagrán, Estíbaliz Aragón Mendizábal, Cándida Delgado Casas


Changes in lifestyle and emotions during the covid-19 lockdown

Luisa Marilia Cantisano, Noelia Belando Pedreño, Ángel Ballester Sánchez, Ascensión Blanco Fernández, Rocío González Soltero


Understanding of persuasion in children from 6 to 12 years old.

María José Linero, Carmen Barajas, María Mayoral


Impact of covid-19 on elderly living long term residences

Maria Helena Pimentel, Fernando Pereira, Cristina Teixeira


Benefícios da verticalização do parto

Cláudia Isabel Taborda Amaro, Hélia Dias, Maria José de Oliveira Santos, Paula Alexandra de Andrade Batista Nelas, Emília de Carvalho Coutinho


Experiences of women in menopause: contributions to understanding nursing care

Elisa Santos, Emília Coutinho, Cláudia Chaves, Paula Nelas
