Present a new issue of the “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. INFAD: Revista de Psicología” is a satisfaction. We are healthy, we have overcome the Pandemic, COVID-19, and we remain active. We have gone from difficulty to positive improvement and learning. We have been and are resilient. And it is also a joy to be able to comment that any of  our colleagues have left us because of the virus. Positive Psychology and Health are a good conjunction.

From here an invitation to collaborate, to present research, to be and be useful to us.

Badajoz, May 15th 2021

Florencio Vicente Castro
Director - Editor of “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology / INFAD: Revista de Psicología”

Published: 2021-08-08

Bibliographic analysis on the feeling of fear during the covid-19 pandemic in older people.

Nieves Gutiérrez Ángel, Isabel Mercader Rubio, David Padilla Góngora


Intervention in multisensory stimulation and Snoezelen

M. Fátima Martins Simões Paulo, J. Inmaculada Sánchez Casado


Fashion and health in the elderly. nursing literature review

Mª Carmen Otero López, María Ballesteros Mantecón, Mª Milagros García Álvarez, Antonia Otero López, Sonia Pérez Martín , Mª del Carmen San Raimundo Morín , Casandra García Otero, Josefa González Centeno


Practices which dignify the person cared for: Nursing students’ perception

Rosa Cândida Carvalho Pereira de Melo, Liliana Vanessa Lúcio Henriques, Helena Isable Cardoso da Silva, Mónica Andreia Baeta Pereira, Tânia Rodrigues Esteves, Kátia Lilian Sedrez Celich


Attitudes to death in adolescents: psychometric properties of three scales.

María Milagros Armas Arráez, Olga María Alegre de la Rosa, Josué Gutiérrez Barroso


Covid-19: internet and cell phone use and abuse in university students.

Mª Villa Carpio-Fernández, Mª Cruz García-Linares , Mª Teresa Cerezo-Rusillo, Pedro Félix Casanova-Arias


University students’ view of english language development in higher education.

Martina Soledad Ramírez Orduña, Coral Núñez Barranco Fernández, Susana Sánchez Herrera, María José Rabazo Méndez


Subtle prejudice and attitudes towards inclusion of maghrebi migrant teachers and students.

Miguel Ángel Albalá Genol, Juan Ignacio Guido, Joaquín Ungaretti, Antonio Francisco Maldonado Rico


The motivation of university students to engage in physical activity.

Miguel Ángel Durán Vinagre, Susana Sánchez Herrera, Sebastian Feu


Strategies in the preparation of support plans for students with atypical development

Nathalie Baril, Maria de Fátima Minetto, Iasmin Zanchi Boueri, Sabrina Fernandes de Castro, Thais Carolina Albach Carniel


Consumption of psychoactive substances in university students ... what perceptions?

Olívia Costa Maria, Ana Maria Galvão, Maria José Diez Liébana


Pregnant women’s knowledge of positive mental health

Paula Nelas, Cláudia Chaves, Emília Coutinho, João Duarte


Dating violence: Impact of academic, affective and sociodemographic variables

Paula Nelas, Cláudia Chaves, Emília Coutinho, João Duarte


Educational paradigms for a global methodology in teaching

Reina Castellanos Vega, Fabio Avilés Acero, Alberto Cazaña Garcés, Atila Gabarrús Szöllösi


Bystander effect of teen dating violence. Preliminary study

Ruth África Ancín Nicolás, Yolanda Pastor Ruiz


First aid program in mental health in 1st year college students

Sandrina Ribeiro da Cunha, Luís Manuel de Jesus Loureiro


Parental emotional management and child symptomatology during the COVID-19 pandemic

Silvia Melero, Alexandra Morales, José P. Espada, Mireia Orgilés


Beyon health illiteracy – questions and reactions

Pedro de Matos Gonçalves, Susana Mendes, Sílvio Manuel Brito, Orlindo Gouveia Pereira


Importance of personal finance in financial health: A theoretical reflection

Alan Enrique Tejeda-Hernández, Arturo García-Santillán, Michelle Valerie Martínez-Rodríguez


Purpose in life predictive factors of older adults in mexican southeast

Miguel Ángel Tuz-Sierra, Eric Alejando Catzín-López, Alejandra Kantun-Dzul, Erika Rendon-Sosa, Gabriela Isabel Pérez-Aranda


Reading comprehension and imagery correlation in elementary school children

Jahaziel Molina del Río, Erica Lizeth Vargas Rivera, Víctor Hugo González Becerra, Anaid Amira Villegas Ramírez


Perception of equality in young adolescents and the role of education

María del Mar González López, Remedios López Liria


Attitudes towards death and its relationship with social support networks in older adults in Campeche, México

Gabriela Isabel Pérez Aranda, Daniel Ramírez Benítez, Sinuhé Estrada Carmona


Educational inclusion according to students and teachers: immigrants' integration and gender

Laura Sánchez Pujalte, Talía Gómez Yepes, Diego Navarro, Edgardo Etchezahar


Emerging technologies in inclusive education: cirtual reality and augmented reality. FORDYSVAR European Project

Sonia Rodríguez Cano, Vanesa Delgado Benito, Raquel Casado Muñoz, Esther Cubo Delgado, Vanesa Ausín Villaverde, Gemma Santa Olalla Mariscal


Are sexism and sexual self-esteem related? analysis of gender differences

Verónica Estruch-García, Olga Fernández-García, María Dolores Gil-Llario


Covid19 confinement causes loneliness in older people. Systematic review

Alba Vázquez Blanco, María Baz Codesal, María Paz Blanco Martín


Quality of family life: the perception of family members of people with neurodegenerative disease

Adília Fernandes, Carlos Pires Magalhães, Maria Augusta Mata, Maria Helena Pimentel, Maria Justina Martins Silvano


Programs and responses to the health of the elderly in Portugal

Dora Margarida Ribeiro Machado, Maria Fernanda Queirós da Mota, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás, Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes


Loneliness and isolation in the elderly in Portugal: systematic literature review

Eugénia Maria Garcia Jorge Anes, Ana Ferreira, Caroline Veiga, Inês Lopes, Viviane Cordeiro, Manuel Alberto Morais Brás


Effects of perineal massage during labor

Mariana Fernandes Lopes, Emília de Carvalho Coutinho, Maria José Santos, Manuela Ferreira, Hélia Dias


Didactic sequences based on GeoGebra for the teaching of geometry in secondary education

Juan Campo Quinzaños, Steven Van Vaerenbergh, Ángela del Barrio Fernández
