Our Journal

The "International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology” (INFAD Journal of Psychology - IJODAEP)" is an interdisciplinary publication open to external collaborations of both empirical and theoretical character in any of the different fields of Psychology.

The main objectives of INFAD Journal are to present research and scientific results on Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Education, so it is mainly aimed at psychologists, educators, pedagogues, health professionals and clinicians, all those whor work in the field of psychological science.

Two issues are published per year (semi-annual periodicity: May-November) in Open Access. The journal evaluates all original contents in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian and French, following the guidelines accepted by the scientific community. Moreover, this publication meets the usual criteria of the scientific publications with the greatest international impact. in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, German or Italian.

Each scientific article is subjected to a rigorous review process by the double-blind evaluation method, according to the Open Journal System protocol and published under the licence system Creative Commons, on the basis of the modality “by-nc-nd”.

It is indexed in FECYT, DOAJ, Latindex, Psicodoc, Dialnet, Redalyc, ERIHPLUS, Core, Ulrich, Miar, ISOC, DICE, Aura and Sherpa-Romeo.

doi: 10.17060/ijodaep



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As of 2014

Open Access


Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Hope and the future. A reflection for a better world

Published: 2024-12-26

Nursing care in the case of pediatric oncology patients on paliative care: a narrative review

Amanda Bobrzyk Pereira, Mateus Gamarra Schwieder, Kelly Cristina Sango


Family functionality: relationship with the degree of nicotine dependence

Carla Alexandra Silva Pombo Soares, Juliana Sofia Ortiga Nogueira, Nadirlene Pereira Gomes, Amâncio António de Sousa Carvalho


Epidemiological data of elderly people adscribed to basic family health unit in the municipality of Campina Grande (PB – Brazil)

Luana Maria Lopes da Silva, Risomar Da Silva Vieira, Alessandra Ferreira Tomaz, José Roberto Jordão Rodrigues


Musculoskeletal pain in nurses working in primary health care

Marcilene Marques de Freitas Tamborini, Karine Raquel Uhdich Kleibert, Jonathan Tamborini, Ana Paula Alves Goulart, Christiane de Fátima Colet


Challenges of Eating at the End of Life: a narrative review

Paula Carvalho, Carina Coelho, Natacha Franco, Daniela Cunha, Zélia Caçador Anastácio


Assessing existential suffering in people in palliative care: a narrative review

Soraia Ferreira, Júlia Alves, Paula Carvalho, Zélia Caçador Anastácio, Daniela Cunha


Feasibility of a board game to address fear in early adulthood

Jesús David Melo Alarcón, Norma Angélica Ortega Andrade, Anayely Morales Tovar, Rubén García Cruz


Challenges in managing hope in paliative care nursing pracitce: a narrative reviw

Paula de Fátima de Carvalho, Tânia Ramires, Sandrina Afonso, Daniela Cunha, Zélia Caçador Anastácio


"Were we prepared?" Perceptions of a nursing school community toward crisis moments

Diana Gabriela Simões Marques dos Santos, Elaine dos Santos Santana, Joanna Vanessa Ribeiro Bernardo, Rosa Carla Gomes Silva, Filipa Margarida Gonçalves Duque, Andreia Sofia Cristina, Filipe Alexandre Silva de Sousa, Marília Gurgel de Castro, José Herminio Gonçalves Gomes, Teresa María Campos Silva, Inês Franco Almeida, Daniela Filipa Batista Cardoso


Interpersonal communication, resilience, and life satisfaction in higher education

Arminda Margarida Camati Pongolola, Edmar Da Silva Paím, Sandra Luzia Esteves de Almeida, Renato Emanuel Carvalho Pessoa dos Santos


Insight problem resolution: proposal for a useful analytical method for teaching

Hanane Yousfi Boulaghmoudi, Vicente Sanjosé, Carlos B. Gómez Ferragud


Effects of covid-19 confinement on sexting practices among mexican youth

Silvia Susana Robles Montijo, Yuma Yoaly Pérez Bautista, Laura Alejandra Corona Guevara, Carmen Yolanda Guevara Benítez


Competences of university teaching staff: identification, assessment and contrast according to students

Rubén González, Adrián Escapa González, Jorge Magdaleno Marco, José Guillermo Rosas Mayoral, María José Fínez, María Consuelo Morán


Experience report: educational process and health promotion of mothers of babies with ankyloglossia

Andrea Kerckhoff dos Santos, Eliane Roseli Winkelmann, Zélia Caçador Anastácio


Perceived self-efficacy in adherence to the role of caregiver: relationship with sociodemographic variables

Juliana Sofia Ortiga Nogueira, Carla Alexandra Silva Pombo Soares, Nadirlene Pereira Gomes, Amâncio António de Sousa Carvalho


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