Published: 2017-10-22


Florencio Vicente Castro


Habits of use of the WhatsApp by the adolescents

Ángela Del Barrio Fernández, Isabel Ruiz Fernández


Family and school adolescent communicative context, and sexual behaviour.

Serafín J. Cruces Montes, Rocío Guil Bozal, Sergio Sánchez Sevilla, Antonio Zayas García


Beliefs of romantic love and gender violence

Carmen Caro García, María Carmen Monreal Gimeno


Aggressive behaviour by gender and screen leisure in schoolchildren from the province of Granada

Pilar Puertas Molero, Antonio Pérez Cortés, Manuel Castro Sánchez, José Luis Ubago Jiménez, Félix Zurita Ortega, Silvia San Román Mata


Are there differences in the emotions experienced by students of secondary education according to the course?

María Antonia Dávila Acedo, Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés, Diego Airado Rodríguez


Violence in adolescents and emotional regulation

Estefanía Estévez, Teresa I. Jiménez


The influence of emotions in the choice of university careers

Ana Belén Borrachero Cortés, María Antonia Dávila Acedo, Diego Airado Rodríguez


The relationship between emotional intelligence and personality in secondary education students

Ana Parodi Úbeda, Víctor Belmonte Lillo, Carmen Ferrándiz García, María José Ruiz Melero


School violence in adolescence: differences by gender, age and type of center

Begoña Nieto Campos, Margarita Pino Juste, Víctor Domínguez Rodríguez


Parent educational practices and adjustment problems in university students

Mª de la Villa Carpio Fernández, María Cruz García Linares, Pedro Félix Casanova Arias, María Teresa Cerezo Rusillo


Sexting practiced by adolescents: its morphology on Facebook

Cinthia Tomasa Mercado Contreras, Ana del Refugio Cervantes Herrera


Nursing research on clinical manifestations and prevention of suicide behavior in adolescence

Elena Mª Cruz Morales, Beatriz Valdayo Rosado, Rocío Martín Almenta


Common dancing injuries prevention and production mechanisms

Alicia Corrales Valero, María Mena Milán, Juan José García Jaén, Remedios López-Liria


A way towards subjective welfare

María Enriqueta Peñaguirre Cano, Tania Rodríguez Mendoza


Forecasting the perfectionism the high academic goals in Chilean students of higher education?

Nelly G. Lagos San Martín, Ricardo Sanmartín López, María E. Urrea-Solano, María J. Hernández-Amorós, Lucía Granados Alós, José Manuel García Fernández


Emotional partner variables and professional interests for academic orientation

Heriberto Rodríguez-Mateo, Aida Alejandra Pazos Nogales, José Carlos Rodríguez-Trueba


Differences in burnout according to sex and age in non-university teachers

Lucía Granados Alós, Ricardo Sanmartín López, Nelly G. Lagos San Martín, María E. Urrea-Solano, María J. Hernández-Amorós


Behavioral patterns of exchange that predicts success in Taekwondo combats

Ana del Refugio Cervantes Herrera, Francisco Javier Pedroza Cabrera


Forgiveness and recidivism to return with ex-couple

María Agustina Vázquez, Beatriz Montes-Berges, María Aranda M., Miguel Mora


Emotional regulation in young athletes facing adverse situations in competition

Cristina Guerrero Rodríguez, Manuel Sosa-Correa, Antonio Zayas García, Rocío Guil Bozal


Impulsiveness and sensation seeking: implications of intervention in youth

Paloma Gil-Olarte Márquez, Alline Cristina Cavalcante Souza, Alberto Paramio Leiva, Antonio Zayas García, Rocío Guil Bozal


The relevance of educational and training programs as elements that favor the process of social and labor reintegration of juvenile offenders

Juan Miguel Fernández-Campoy, José Manuel Aguilar-Parra, Juana Celia Domínguez, Pablo Rueda-Rosas, Mª Carmen Lozano Segura


Spanish adaptation and validation of Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS)

Rubén Trigueros-Ramos, Juan Miguel Fernández-Campoy, Antonio Alías, José Manuel Aguilar-Parra, Mª Carmen Lozano Segura


Analysis of the psychometric properties of the scale of violent behaviors in adolescent sports

Félix Zurita Ortega, Silvia San Román Mata, Rubén Moreno Arrebola, Asunción Martínez Martínez, Gabriel González Varelo, Rosario Padial Ruz


Physical exercise and quality of life in university students

Alberto Paramio Leiva, Paloma Gil-Olarte Márquez, Cristina Guerrero Rodríguez, José M. Mestre Navas, Rocío Guil Bozal


Evaluation of the level of physical activity through musculo-articular stiffness in young adults

Federico París-García, Miguel Ángel Oviedo-Caro, Javier Bueno Antequera


Motivation, anxiety, confidence, pleasure and usefulness factors that really explain the attitude towards Mathematics in students majoring in Economics?

Carlos Alberto Rojas-Kramer, Milka Elena Escalera-Chávez, Elena Moreno-García, Arturo García-Santillán


Attachment and cyber-violence in dating of teenage

Paola Valeria García-Sánchez, Cecilia Guevara-Martínez, José Luis Rojas-Solís, Fabiola Peña-Cárdenas, Víctor Gerardo González Cruz


Sex differences in Spaniard adolescents’ instrumental and expressive traits

María de la Paz Toldos-Romero, José Luis Rojas-Solís, Javier Martín-Babarro


Simulation of symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia

Carlos Barbosa Torres, Sixto Cubo Delgado, Florencio Vicente Castro


Use of financial services empirical. Study in university students.

Milka Elena Escalera-Chávez, Esmeralda Tejada-Peña, Arturo García-Santillán
