Published: 2016-09-27


Florencio Vicente Castro


Sensibilation and attention strategies for the interes generationin the language learning

Francisco Samuel Mendoza Moreira, Jacqueline Rosalfa Terranova Ruiz, Víctor Geovanny Zambrano Cedeño, María Manuela Macías Loor


Study on teacher´s motivation in an urban context

Julia Criado del Rey Morante, Margarita R. Pino-Juste


Promoting quality in written composition

Alejandro Canedo García, Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz


Academics’ pesrpectives on physical education within the scope of inclusive education

Jose Airton F. Pontes Junior, Ana Paula Lima Barbosa, Mayara C. V. Monte, Nicolino Trompieri Filho, Rita C. B. P. Magalhaes


A way to facilitating educational transitions

María José Fluza Asorey, Silvia Sierra Martínez


A study on the relationship between teachers and students with special needs

Laura Elvira Prino, Tiziana Pasta, Francesca Giovanna Maria Gastaidi, Claudio Longobardi


Does students that receive additional support needs with higher risk for learning disabilities in writing?

Verónica Gil, Celia Morales, Desiree González, Natalia Suárez, Juan E. Jiménez


Attitude of the primary and secondary teachers based on gender before the strong points of integration

Mª Luisa Bermejo García, Florencio Vicente Castro, Mª Isabel Ruiz Fernández, Mª José Rabazo Méndez


The counsellor’s perception of attention to student diversity in secondary education

Mirian Miranda Morais, Joaquín Lorenzo Burguera Condon, José Miguel Arias Blanco


Variability cognitive profile in children and adults with down syndrome. A neuropsychological study

Javier García Alba, Justo Fernando Ramos Alla, Mª Eugenia Martín Palacios


Study on language and executive functions of a case of fragile X syndrome

Eva Herraiz Llongo, Mª Inmaculada Fernández Andrés, Gemma Pastor Cerezuela, Irene Puchol Fraile, Pilar Sanz Cervera


Predictors of arithmetical achievement in primary education 4th-graders

Valentin Iglesias-Sarmiento, Sonia Alfonso Gil, Ángeles Conde Rodríguez, Manuel Deaño Deaño


Work report on infantile education children with and without low mathematical performance

M.J Presentación, Rebeca Siegenthaler, V. Pinto, Jesica Mercader, C. Colomer, I. Fernández, M. L. Sanchiz, A. Miranda


Everyday stress and reading precision in children of primary education

Mª José González, Félix Díaz-Giráldez, Isaías Martín, Myriam Delgado, Mª Victoria Trianes


Reading precision and initial reader level in children of primary education

Mª José González, Félix Díaz-Giráldez, Isaías Martín, Myriam Delgado, Mª Victoria Trianes


Language delay, assimilation of the text and learning disabilities

Mª Montfragüe García-Mateos, Francisco Javier de Santiago Herrero, Rafael Antonio Salas Muriel


Parameters for cross-cultural education development and behavioral change for students with court decisions

Mª Ángeles Delgado Burgoss, Marlene Jaramillo Argandoña, Max del Salto Bello


Communication abilities and problematic behavior in a supervised housing for people with intellectual disabilities

Mª del Mar Molero Jurado, Mª Jesús Osorio Cámara, Mª del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, José Jesús Gázquez Linares


Values received on television by adolescents of different cultural contexts

Leire Ugalde Lujambio, María Concepción Medrano Samaniego


On-line intergenerational education

Alejandro Canedo García, Jesús Nicasio García Sánchez, Deilis Ivonne Pacheco Sanz


Relation between sensory processing and severity of symptoms in a sample of children with ASD

Pilar Sanz Cervera, Mª Inmaculada Fernández Andrés, Gemma Pastor Cerezuela, Irene Puchol Fraile, Eva Herráiz Llongo


Parent-child relationships in the united arab emirates

Joana Novaes Machado Stocker, Khairia Ghuloum Ali Mohamed Hassan Ali


Disruption of attachment and traumatic disorder of development

Carmen Gayá Ballester, Rosa J. Molero Mañes, Mª Dolores Gil Llario


Sexual education: influence on the knowledge and beliefs of its recipients

Davinia Heras Sevilla, Gloria Pérez de Albéniz Garrote, Fernando Lara Ortega


Conduct of risk and attitudes related to hiv / aids infection in msm

Vicente J. Morell Mengual, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Irene M. Díaz Rodríguez


Knowledge, attitudes and sexual behavior in adults with intellectual disabilities

Irene M. Díaz Rodríguez, Mª Dolores Gil Llario, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Vicente Morell Mengual, Rosa J. Molero Mañes


Positive psychology: early or new conception

Consuelo Morán Astorga, Florencio Vicente Castro, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, Eduardo Montes Velasco


Evaluation of labor satisfaction in teachers of fp-fol de Navarra

José Luis García-Hernández, María Inés Gabari-Gambarte, Víctor Idoate-García


Positive instructional cognition: implementation of a pilot experience with young cubans

Mª Nieves Barahona Esteban, Antonio Sánchez Cabaco, José David Urchaga Litago


Factors of resilience in future teachers

Rosa Moreno García, Cristina Saiz Ruiz


Revision of current publications on musicotherapy and intervention in autistatic disorder

Mª Jesús Osorio Cámara, Mª del Mar Molero Jurado, Mª del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, José Jesús Gázquez Linares


The adolescents and the use of social networks

Ángela del Barrio Fernández, Isabel Ruiz Fernández


Values perceived by adolescents and identification television characters

Concepción Medrano Samaniego, Juan Ignacio Martínez de Morentin de Goñi


Social networks on the internet and the consequences of its use in university students

Mª Jesús Osorio Cámara, Mª del Mar Molero Jurado, Mª del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, Isabel Mercader Rubio


Attitudes of students and health professionals on scientific research

António Saraiva, Maria Irene Caires, Cristina Santos


Normas de publicación

Florencio Vicente Castro
